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Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the MAZANEK factory.

Export of Products

Export of MAZANEK products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All MAZANEK products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant MAZANEK: bending presses, guillotine shears, rollers, lifting press
  • Manual leaf bends MAZANEK
    Manual leaf bends
    ZGR1500/1 ZGR2000/1 ZGR3000/1, etc.
  • Heavy leaf bends MAZANEK
    Heavy leaf bends
    ZGR2000/2 ZGR2500/2 ZGR3000/2, etc.
  • Segmental leaf bends MAZANEK
    Segmental leaf bends
    ZGRs 1000L, ZGRs 2000L, etc.
  • Snap-in MAZANEK
    RR 1250, ZRR 1000, etc.
  • Hydraulic sheet bends MAZANEK
    Hydraulic sheet bends
    ZGH 3100, ZGH 6000, etc.
  • Manual guillotines MAZANEK
    Manual guillotines
    GR 1000, GR 2500, GR 3000, etc.
  • Electromechanical guillotines MAZANEK
    Electromechanical guillotines
    GM 1250/1.5, GM 3000/1.5, etc.
  • Manual rollers MAZANEK
    Manual rollers
    ZWR 1000/0.8, 1300/0.8, etc.
  • Electromechanical rollers MAZANEK
    Electromechanical rollers
    ZWM 1000/1.0, ZWM 1300/1.0, etc.
  • Scissors MAZANEK
    NPW1250, NW1250, RNK098A, etc.


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